Dear Friends,

Writing from the breathtaking landscapes of Montana—a recent backpacking trip brought about deep rest and relaxation surrounded by the perfection of nature beside a roaring waterfall and majestic, towering mountains.

towering rock mountain, roaring river, purple flowers on the side with rocks, trees surround, evergreens

In this Edition—

A Story of the Night with Dream Gifts, and…

New Playlist “For Each other”

• (Gifts from the ethers of love, songs that came into my mind out of no where and apropos for this time)

Day Six and Seven, How to Begin Yoga:

• Two new videos filmed in the wilds of Montana, capturing the sounds of nature and the powerful energy of the landscape.

Meditation on Insight Timer

Prompts and Contemplations:

• Dedicate Yourself to the Possibilities

• Re-Contextualize and Re-Imagine

New Photography

New Poetry

• (with an option for a bi-weekly subscription)

Warmly and with love,



I go to bed deeply feeling the energy of loved ones currently going through difficulties and needing extra support. My heart is concerned, yet I sleep for a while, my eyes opening around 1 a.m. There are no thoughts. I lay there in the quiet darkness, using the space for quiet contemplation.

Settling back into sleep, a faint song drifts into my mind.
I can’t quite hear it at first, so I draw my awareness to tune in more closely. A specific chorus line begins to repeat over and over as I lay in a state of lucidity:

"They are one person…
They are two alone…
They are three together…
They are for each other…"

I wake myself fully, grab my phone, google the lyrics, and discover it's "Helplessly Hoping" by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Yes, all of my concerns are relieved and reminded: It matters not—WE are ONE together all at once and we are for each other. This was the perfect message for this time, and certainly not limited to my own life.

Later that week, I’m awakened again in the middle of the night with the following message and song streaming in:

"When your day is night alone (hold on, hold on)
If you feel like letting go (hold on)
If you think you've had too much
Of this life, well hang on
'Cause everybody hurts
Take comfort in your friends
Everybody hurts"

It’s "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M. It deepens my understanding and serves as a reminder of compassion. It also reminds me of breathing in all the suffering around the world and knowing we are not alone with all we do and feel… exhale… breathe out our love and care for one another. This is from an ancient practice from the East called Tonglen. (Put very simply, the Tonglen practice of giving and receiving is to take on the suffering and pain of others, and give them your happiness, well-being, and peace of mind. Tonglen uses the medium of the breath.)

Later in the week, again in the middle of the night, a new song is gifted from the ethers, a reminder that it is indeed a beautiful day:

“Woohoo, woohoo
Beautiful day
Freedom, freedom, freedom for a change
Woohoo, woohoo
Beautiful day
Freedom, freedom, freedom for a change
Everybody wants just a little direction
Everybody just needs a little conviction
Everybody hurts, everybody heals
Everybody wants just a little protection
Everybody just needs a little rejection
Everybody hurts, everybody heals.”

(These songs are all in my playlist this month, plus more received from the ethers.)


If you dream, or if you think you don’t dream, meditate first thing in the morning for 10 or more minutes. Sit quietly with no agenda and see what may arise. Sometimes we can discover what has been given through dreams, or sometimes not. Anything we face in our lives during the day, we may begin to work through at night. However it is, it is a gift of guidance, whether it happens in the waking or dream state—for me, it’s been during both with the gift of music guidance and support over this last year.

Keep a dream journal, listen deeply, communication comes from anywhere and everywhere—sometimes in the most unexpected forms.

Resource: Dream Yoga, Andrew Holecek

Dedicate Yourself to the Possibilities

I invite you to dedicate yourself to the inexhaustible possibilities of your mind and heart. Through consistent practice, you can enliven and expand your inner world.

Here are some ways to begin:

  • A moving meditation

  • A seated morning meditation

  • Being in nature

  • Dancing to your favorite tune

Embrace these practices and discover the transformative power they hold. If you’d like support for dreams and sleep or deepening your practices, get in touch below.

Re-Contextualize and Re-Imagine

How can you re-contextualize any idea or situation you have going on as being something different than it is? Re-frame your belief systems around what you think you should do or what societal expectations you’ve taken on. What are you willing to imagine as something new and fresh? How about giving it a go, just for fun?

Bring in the context of adventure to whatever you are facing, whether it is a relationship or circumstance—how can you look at it differently with nothing in the way, no obstacles, and be open to exploration, benefit, and creativity?

Not everything is such a problem and can be thought of in a new way. You can even “act as if” even if that is not your reality right now. Make it up, use your imagination. :O)

Thank you for your time in reading. I’m wishing you the most beautiful day today, one day at a time. I send my love,


Connect here for my offerings and support of your inherent magnificence.

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without thought


Finding Magic: A new home and the power of compassion.