On Your Own

Easy. Nothing is required of you. you.

I strongly advocate for establishing a home practice by committing to 28-30 consecutive days, (there is a reason for this which you will find out). Choose a quiet, distraction-free space and stretch for 10-20 minutes each day, preferably in the morning.Wear what you want, usually loose clothes like sweats and a t-shirt are good. Have a warm cozy sweater or sweatshirt handy and a small blanket.

A yoga mat is nice to have, also a hard wood floor is good, or the earth. If you purchase a mat of some kind, research and purchase a good quality one that will last you forever and not fill up the landfills. Don’t let anyone else use your mat or step on it with their feet or shoes. A lot of feelings come out on that mat, so it’s your sanctuary and yours alone.

Use a book on yoga so you have to make your self be with yourself and self-study, without a video, simply be with yourself. After some time, when you feel comfortable, enjoy a class online or in person—that could be in a couple of months, could be in next year, it doesn’t matter. Feel the benefits of getting reacquainted with who you are and how it feels.

How to start a seated meditation practice:

Sit down in the quiet morning when no one is around. Sit down for a minute or two, do that again and again and again, day after day. It gets easier. There is nothing to wait for, nothing that is going to happen there, nothing to do, and nowhere to go. Enjoy the quiet, rest, breathe, be gentle on yourself, it feels good. Let your mind just be and do as it does. If your brain needs to do something, count the creases of your fingers on one hand with your thumb. Next, try to take a little moments during your day of simple relaxation even for a microsecond. What does happen is that ease comes to the fore.