A groovy 1970s black and white photo of Cheyenne's Mom and Cheyenne in the mountains

My Mom and I, 1974

About Cheyenne

Cheyenne grew up in Northwestern Montana, surrounded by mountains, rivers, and lakes.
“I came to the practice of yoga and meditation through my Mom. She gave me a 28-day yoga home practice book from the 1960s that I self-studied for 6 years before ever attending a class. Yoga and meditation proved to be the beginnings of a world of endless benefit and the beginnings of a search for myself." Cheyenne began practicing in 1997 out of a sheer wish to be of benefit to her children and family. She has found ongoing wellness through the practice of yoga, being in nature, reiki, and by using simple meditation and breathing practices.

Cheyenne has also trained extensively for 20 years in formal meditation practices rooted in Dzogchen philosophy, Kagyu and Nyingma Lineages. Between 2007-2020, she traveled annually to Europe for meditation retreats, receiving these powerful Teachings. During this time, she had the opportunity to teach and share these practices publicly in Sweden, Bristol, UK, and London, England.

Amid the challenges of the COVID years, she decided on a unique adventure, packing her car and driving down Highway 101 to live near her meditation community along the beautiful sanctuary of the Northern California coast. Additionally, she deepened her yoga studies at Yoga Kula in Berkeley, CA, focusing on assisting in Yoga Teacher Training programs with an emphasis on the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga principles. She has now returned to her roots in Montana and is ready to share all the knowledge and wisdom she has gratefully received.

Ultimately, she wants others to have optimal support for understanding the openings of the mind in all of its gifts, powerful creativity, and innate capacity. She has a particular interest in lucid dreaming and dream yoga practices for supporting others in the path of awakening.

She feels passionate about supporting others to establish a quiet home practice of self-care and provides those new to yoga and meditation an easy and applicable way to begin.

Cheyenne offers in-person classes, the healing practices of reiki, and 1:1 in-person and virtual support for women, emphasizing appropriate empowerment tools for each unique individual.

Known for her natural presence, joy, and lightness, Cheyenne finds fulfillment in connecting with others, spending time in nature, capturing moments through photography, writing poetry, expressing creativity in watercolor painting, and savoring her morning coffee.

(See further details below:)

In Cheyenne’s words

I grew up in the mountains of Montana and feel grateful for the majesty of nature and its contributions to me. I remember as a child looking up at the sheer height of the Mission Mountains outside of Glacier National Park and always feeling in total awe and a greater sense of ease just because of the view itself.

I went to elementary school in a one-room schoolhouse and helped my Mom haul water in metal canteens from the various lakes and rivers we lived on. I took my baths in lakes, (and sometimes in a heated pot of water from the wood stove). I played endlessly in the forests and mountains with dear friends and witnessed the deep thunder of wild horses moving swiftly before my eyes while sitting atop the Pryor mountains.

I danced in the open fields; drove in 1965 Chevy pickup trucks down highways within reservation lands; attended Crow Native American sun dances, and floated rivers with my baby boomer hippy parents. I am grateful to my parents for their love, care, intelligence, and sense of adventure.

When I was in my early 20s my Mom gave me a 28-day home yoga practice book from the 1960s. It proved to be the beginning of a world of benefit and search for truth. I picked the book up one day out of sheer loneliness, frustration, and impatience in parenting my first child, an active 2-year-old. The practices immediately helped to dampen down my reactivity and enhanced my ability to respond more beneficially. I continued to practice and eventually had a second child. I practiced yoga and meditation with discipline and with devotion.

In 2004, I read something from a book that introduced me to my true nature—I recognized something about myself in relation to others which brought great understanding. I was filled with a feeling of immense love and warmth and felt relief in my heart of hearts. I knew this warmth to be the case for others too. This was the beginning of an inexhaustible journey that continues to expand and reveal more and more grace and total humility.

My intent is to share the real wellness that is possible for the body and mind through the practices and enjoyment of yoga, nature, and meditation. This includes simple yoga and meditation for beginners, moment-to-moment meditation for empowered relating, and the thriving of one’s gifts, strengths, and talents. 

I suffered from an injury in 2004 due to a repetitive strain from the overuse of my hands and arms as a graphic artist. This shifted into my nervous system causing further neuropathic pain firing leading to a continual loop of pain, fear, anxiety, and more. Immersion in yoga, walking in nature, and meditation have been a part of my ongoing wellness, pain management, and continual ease of mind.

My yoga credentials include an array of contributions within the various Teacher Trainings I have participated in with an emphasis on Anusara, which is amazing for stability, safety, and joint mobility. This style of yoga has helped me tremendously with accessing more postures. If you have limitations or need yoga modifications, I offer these due to my experience and care.

Gratefully, along this journey, I had the great fortune of meeting a Dzogchen Lineage Teacher in 2004, her name is Ziji Rinpoche. I have been practicing meditation rooted in Dzogchen philosophy for 20 years. I have attended nearly all Teachings in person and have had the opportunity for global travel as well as teaching these mediation practices in Sweden and the UK, supporting others in the nature of their mind while empowering their gifts, strengths, and talents.

I have a particular interest in lucid dreaming and dream yoga practices for supporting others in the path of awakening.

Pryor, Montana 1973

Cheyenne in a hot springs tub with her son and her daughter as young adults, sunshine and blue skies, pond in background

Photo gallery below

My kids and I:

(Tucker, Saeyde, and me)