
“Snowflakes, though at a glance beautiful as flowers, vanish when touched by the hand.”

Thinley Norbu Rinpoche


Dear Friends,

A video hello to you!

I’m housesitting in the mountains this week, it’s lovely.

Enjoy the blog story along with a poem you can listen
to below.

Gifts and Offerings:

New: How to just start a yoga and meditation practice!?

Poetry I’m reading:
The Gift
The Soul in Love

Enjoy some music:

Here is a surprise, listen to these lyrics, who would have known!


Work with me 1:1 for empowerment and clarity

Yoga and meditation, let me support you directly

Schedule a Reiki Session

Dreams and sleep support: 1:1

All the best!

Love, Cheyenne


The story blog and poem;

peace is in the pause

peace is in the steep
peace is in the wait

peace is in impatience

peace is in annoyance
peace is in the soak

Winter mountains surround me as I have the opportunity to tend to 3 dogs (+a visitor dog), a cat, and 6 chickens this week via a house sitting gig. I’m nestled beside a meandering river and a railroad cutting through the beautiful Montana landscape. I find myself immersed in nature, caring for animals, and embracing the peacefulness beneath snow-laden skies. From the vantage point of a hot tub, I'm treated to a breathtaking view of the starry night sky.

On the first day here, I brew a cup of tea and ponder its steeping process for the best outcome. It reminds me of taking the time for self-care, the slow paced immersion and benefits of sitting quietly and meditating in the morning hours, enjoying the long hold of a yoga posture, or taking a long walk in nature. Steeping in all of it, savoring, and what it all does for the mind and body—oh so good.

As I enjoy settling in, I momentarily feel a tinge of annoyance amidst the occasional passing of trains along the mountain side. I steep into that annoyance and allow the energy in my body to just be as it is, I am drawn into nostalgia and comfort and out comes this poem—it’s long like a train, can you pause to breathe, relax or listen until the end? Audio version here.

sound of the wheels shriek

weight. wait.

—heaviness of the train cars

solid and familiar

middle of the night comfort


something familiar

it’s the weight of it

the strength

—strong hold

captured by this

heart shines in its moving power

comfort of its sound

there it is—

it takes one through the past, start to now…

things are here

what is it that stays?

when things go?

there it goes

it seems to pull one down a line…

a simultaneous reference of the past and present

but all at once

it starts as a child until now,

—with the fountain over flowing

the foundation of it all

the wonder and delight

it takes us to places we’ve had to wait…

to be patient

sometimes feeling annoyed by its passing

things passing and changing

and by my own waiting

an inconvience

a teacher of patience

that there is more

—it’s always going somewhere

taking something somewhere

and yet there it is,


I hear it ring in my ears

three times

once more

what is that thing of three?




its call is three times

in the night

In the distance

but here…

it calls out it’s presence


swift and sure

I am reminded

and my heart feels a tinge of pain

pain in it all as all

comfort in all

joy in all too

I am here,

you are here

we all are…

the steadiness like the mountain,

the forest

—held by the tracks

close along the flowing river

ebb and flow

it pulls the heart and wraps it in comfort

it pulls from beginnings through all that has crossed

every alert

the sound strikes a familiar rung like a pattern

the wheels turn

..hit the rail

round and round

steady, steady

human study

—a line that threads through one’s life


and the essence not changing

it’s just there

one train

just one.

set as a jewel


one time driving you through the years, so it seems

—wait for the train

settle and soften

in an openness

setting aside your ways

the patterns

nothing has changed and everything is changing

coming and going

along that familiar track

it’s loud and clear

a steady line echoes through

sound in your ear

unwavering strength

unwavering power

unwavering intent

it’s a line,


in the distance

it’s like it fades

no longer is it heard

some to feel confused

yet listen

listen closely,

it is felt steady within

one pervasive line

through and through

never broken

timeless in essence

that train.

magical and pure

—not nostalgic really,

it never went anywhere

not far

not near

just here

While soaking in the hot tub, right beneath a tall mountain and night sky, I reveled in a few articles on my phone suggesting the profound well-being found in such simple acts like drinking warm tea, waiting for trains, or indulging in a warm bath—these moments of feeling deeply within can offer confirmation of our innate wisdom, clarity and restoration.

The article I found on ‘waiting’ in general, spoke about people wanting closure from waiting, so interesting. For me, it’s like the idea that if we don’t have to wait anymore everything will be OK and we can move on, —or that waiting can somehow stifle our happiness or well-being in the moment. In fact, the more that we can rest and relax, steep, savor in the energy of whatever we feel, be it impatience, anger or joy, —wisdom, beneficial responsiveness and more grace is revealed by relaxing with it all.

I reflect on the boundless magic and potential within each of us, steeping in practices like yoga, meditation, being in nature, listening to music… anything that helps us to relax and soak in the joys of what is right here, this moment, —we are then able to embrace new possibilities, harness innovative creativity, and feel into more openness and love.

I invite you to share in my offerings listed above, from private sessions in yoga, meditation, and Reiki to exploring the support of awareness in practices in sleep and dreams.

More to share soon.

Here are some sources I appreciated regarding:

Steeping tea

Soaking in warm baths

Waiting and closure

Peace and warm wishes for all health and wellness to you
and yours,

Thank you for you and all you are and do.




Instinctual Grace

