Instinctual Grace

I had this vision of capturing balance and stability on a stump against the backdrop of majestic mountains, then writing about inner strength and balance.

The reality was that I ended up catapulting off that very stump yesterday. As I hurtled forward, all I could think about was avoiding hurting my hands on the jagged rocks below. After years of caring for my hands with a repetitive strain injury, my hands have endured enough. Time seemed to stretch out as I fell. At 53, my yoga balance isn't what it used to be. Inside the studio, maintaining balance is a deep internal focus, especially when transitioning out of challenging postures. And in that moment, my focus slipped, drawn downward by the rocks below.

As I fell, something instinctual kicked in. Drawing on the teachings I’ve received in the Anusara School of Hatha yoga, I engaged every fiber of my being, from skin to muscle to bone, embracing my skeletal structure with a firm hug to the core. I curled into a tight ball, fingers tented, and landed in some hybrid of Ninja, Parkour, Spider-Man, and Spider-Woman posture. The ground met my knees hard, (some good bruises today) and thankfully, I spared my face and hands from the sharp edges of the rocks.

Yoga, once again, proved its saving grace. Even in an unexpected fall, my mind remained sharp. It reminded me—how often do we stumble in life because our minds wander? Are we thrown off by the struggles of those around us, or by our own distractions? Do we find ourselves veering off course due to external influences or our own inner turmoil? The lesson here, perhaps, is the importance of internal focus. How do we maintain stability amidst chaos, unexpected events or respond with instinctive grace in the face of adversity?

For me, this experience was a profound lesson. It's a reminder to honor where I am in life, embracing my age and body limitations. Sometimes, the safest place to be is amidst nature's grandeur, finding balance on the larger platforms life offers. It's about meeting myself where I am, as I am. And in that vulnerability lies a deeper sense of love and acceptance.

I would love to hear any shares here… Love to all.


Finding Magic: A new home and the power of compassion.

