
Dear Friends,

As we begin a new year, our collective hope is for a more peaceful and harmonious time. Amidst all of the emails and the usual surge of goal-setting, my heart wish is to remain centered on an intentional year defined by ease, creativity, giving, and understanding.

I can’t help but for the optimistic view and knowing human beings are inherently good. I’m not taking up an extreme by saying the various problems and conflicts are OK, or that all the other significant issues affecting us do not exist. I feel and see the pain of it all. We all do.

How can we come back to understand ourselves as THAT which is inherently good and beneficially responsive? For me, this conviction has been through a commitment to the powerful ancient lineage practices of meditation and yoga along with simply being in nature.

There is and can be instinctive recognition of our natural state of being, already accomplished inherent goodness, warmth, timeless wisdom, and beneficial responsiveness, —all held by dignity and grace. I say this with confidence because it is my own direct experience along with countless others within and without these lineage practices.

I like to light a candle every day. The flame feels eternal, timeless, and steady. It is a simple honoring of this steadiness and light within each of us and that is always right here.

Some gifts here for you:

• I’ve added recorded readings to some of my Poetry
• Did you miss the daily planner download?

• Restore with my favorite two pianists; Spotify playlist

• YouTube: How to Begin Yoga (I’m still working on the 30 day Yoga offering, waiting for Spring time filming.)

• A prompt for the New Year: (2 min read)


What if you had 3000 years to live?

Perhaps you, too, have experienced the challenge of juggling many interests, a pile of half-read books, and the silent presence of neglected art supplies. The lists of aspirations seem to echo a desire to contribute meaningfully, yet the pathway to focus and follow through can sometimes feel elusive.

( it’s actually OK, allow everything to be as it is, trust in your innate knowing regardless, and—take little steps with your heart intent :O)

In the context where I presently work an extra part-time job, the opportunity to choose a guiding word for the year came up. I wanted a word that truly resonated, so initially considered "focus,” and instead took the suggestion of "prioritize." I knew, however, that a word with deeper resonance and truth value was what I wished for.

Then I remembered—a question posed by my meditation Teacher: "What if you had 3000 years to live?" The inquiry offered a profound sense of relief.

I’ve decided now, that my chosen word for the year is "timelessness," extending gracefully beyond any set time or framework. Within this expansive realm, the art of prioritization is still there, yet without hurried urgency. Everything I wish to give and create will find its place in the easeful presence of timelessness.

A heartfelt invitation to you: Inhale deeply, rest, and allow the warmth within your heart to be felt within all you feel. Recognize that the pressures we feel are often self-imposed, and the choice to release oneself from the grip is ever-present.

Contemplate this:

The essence of who you are IS timeless and you have the gift even beyond a span of 3000 years—truly. Grok that! What pursuits will hold your focus?

May the unfolding year be filled with timeless exploration, where you feel innate joy and dance hand in hand with beneficial intent and love.

With warmth, love, and gratitude,



Do you want to begin yoga but don’t know how?
Let me guide you. Schedule a free 20-minute visit together. Be inspired and discover the possibilities of working together.

Schedule a 1-hour private yoga class with me, in person or via Zoom. What do you want to work on? Yoga posture clarifications? Stability in postures? Help with low back issues? Tight hamstrings? Nervous system support?

Clarity. Work 1:1 with me: I bring two decades of experience coaching women worldwide
in both online and in-person meditation communities. In our one-on-one sessions, here is what I have to offer.

Stay tuned: Nature adventure retreats will be created. Support for lucid dreaming and dream yoga coming. Get excited and dance with this Dream Machine song!


XO Chey


