Three people met

At a wintery sidewalk juncture,

three people met…

each navigating their way…

somewhere in the middle,

it was sealed—




upon the sidewalk,

three people met…

a silent understanding unfolded.

unspoken words with guided steps—

how to be

how to yield space

how to care

—one gracefully circled,

another, gaze fixed downward, journeyed north…

the third, a whirlwind, hastened eastward...

one beamed with a southbound smile…

at the juncture,

—was it three?

one circled,

the air embracing the path...

one hastened,coat trailing along,

one smiled—a slow pace.

at the sidewalk juncture,

three people met.

one looked downward,

one hastened forward,

and one simply smiled.

near a meandering river threading through the city's heart,

we found comfort in the winter fog,

the sidewalk intersected at a corner…

one traversed in a half-circle,

another breezed through like the wind,

the third, eyes fixed below, a curious and unknown sense of hesitancy,

one person just smiled, that was me,

headed to get my cherished coffee.

Were we three or four?

Perhaps, it’s just one.

My heart is warm.


Not far not near just here


I caught myself