I caught myself
Laying in a dark room
I caught myself.
I held my own hand,
and I knew it was you—
You who keep me safe.
You who hold me close.
You were always here, holding me.
I caught myself.
and felt your love and tenderness.
You held my hand,
—you hold my hand.
I forgot for a moment,
that you are here with me,
as me.
I forgot for a moment,
and yet you are here.
right here, in fact, you hold my hand,
and there is no difference
—for it is you, it is me,
and I am held.
I feel that you care, you understand,
you give me the feeling of compassion.
I hold my hand in the dark, in another way, I interlace,
and I feel you here, and it is me.
and it is you,
and I am held. held by you.
I forgot for a moment,
I am never alone, not alone,
I am right here, I am right here, I am right here.
You are held, I am here.
I forgot for a moment.
I hold my hand.