“…Sometimes I have not been able to see where the good could come out of difficult circumstances or situations…”

Cheyenne standing with her arms raised overhead, looking up to the sky, standing  in the middles of a forest trail. The trees surrounding her have been burned at the base and bright green grass grows all around the ground, the trees are very tall.

Very recently, I went on a long hike into the mountains. It is such a beautiful time of year here in Northern California, so lush and green.

Specific directions were given to me that the hike was a loop. I listened closely, but found myself not listening so well towards the end of the conversation.

There is something about being in nature and walking for a really long time without the need to be somewhere else. This allows for everything, and anything within myself to simply settle —with nothing to do but enjoy the stillness, and sound of nature itself. After awhile, any frames of reference —thinking, worries or concerns seem to slip away into the utter simplicity of just being. I am only with myself and the sound of silence. The quiet of nature’s settled energy, pervades my entire being.


Nature’s energy is always permeating each of us, every cell of our being. For most people this goes unnoticed, unheard, and unfelt.


I’ve been tending to a sprained ankle that has taken many months to heal and have been building on how long I can go on my relished bouts into nature. I took my time and sat in the trail to rest and write.

Creative sparks of energy seem to come alive in me and countless ideas and metaphors about life take over. These acts as fuel for what and how I want to share. Here is what I wrote;

“It’s so quiet here, the sound of silence pervades.

There is new growth amidst the blackened and burned trunks of these trees.  

Sometimes I have not been able to see where the good could come out of difficult circumstances or situations—but it always seems to in due time and usually in surprising ways. 

There is always new growth and strength within whatever it is we are facing.

Remembering this helps me trust and stay present and open to nature’s organic unfolding.”

After taking this lovely photo, I lost complete direction. There were too many trail signs and various paths to take. I was turned around, not knowing which trail to follow back to my car. 

I went in one direction, then turned around and went in the other direction. I sat down in the trail and rested for quite some time. Staring at the juncture sign, I chose the path that seemed right. Gratefully, several people appeared along the trail confirming I was headed back to the parking lot. My ankle was really hurting, I had taken on a lot for the day.

Commentary of the mind was reprimanding. I let my my thoughts be, flowing along, and was careful not to be hard on myself by not emphasizing the mind’s contents.

The story holds different insights and metaphors for me. It could be about new growth, and maybe trusting there will be a good outcome even though this may not be seen in the midst of any circumstances or relationships. Or, it could be about self-care and the responsibility of that, or how about listening more closely and deeply to yourself or others?  


I would love to hear any thoughts or experiences you have.


“I don’t have time for this,”


With a message of grace…and now this: