Trusting and Listening to the Inherent Wisdom Within.

"The sky stretched for miles, vast and empty, and we were stranded, seemingly a million miles away from everything…"

(Story below, 3 min. read, plus new playlist)

As the Fall Equinox arrives—

a time of balance between day and night—relax a little, take a breath, be easygoing, and feel into your natural state of simple simplicity. You are right here, and all is well.

Your inherent ‘knowing’ is at the root of all experience… it’s always shining through everything that you feel, think, and do. (This is an instruction I have received from practicing meditation rooted in Dzogchen philosophy for 20+ years.) By trusting this inherent knowing, you can move through life with more ease and sanity moment to moment, within all of the continual turbulences of the mind, body, and this wild, wild world.

A Story of Listening (or Not)

The Golden Eagle with its massive wingspan, dark brown feathers, and striking white patches under its wings circled overhead, escorting me down the long, dusty farm road. I couldn’t help but feel it was my departed Dad, who had endured this very same walk many a time. He was most likely laughing his ass off as I headed to meet the GEICO service provider who was on his way to jump my car. As I walked, I reflected on how I should have trusted that inner knowing—the voice we so often ignore.

Fifty minutes earlier, I’d gotten into the car and tried to start the ignition—nothing. There we were, my dear friend and I, on 1,000 acres of open land on the Crow Indian Reservation. The sky stretched for miles, vast and empty, and we were stranded, seemingly a million miles away from everything.

With just 1% battery left on my phone, I managed to access the GEICO number. Then, using his phone at 8%, we called for help. Luckily, they located us through GPS and sent someone to get us back on track.

The day before, we’d arrived on my family’s land to film yoga videos and enjoy the stars and the nearby magical mountains. As we set up, an inner knowing was present for both of us, “The car lights are being used too much, there’s too much in and out with the doors,” but we ignored it. Throughout the evening, we continued using the car as we cooked food, moved equipment, and organized things. That morning, with the hatchback open and our movements in and out of the car, my dear friend had the same thought again: “Be careful with the car battery.”

Neither of us listened.

I’m sharing this because I personally realized that I had leaned into relying on another person to take care of things (which is also fine at times), rather than listening to and acting from that inherent ‘knowing’ within myself. Both of us had received the same insight, but the lesson was different for each of us. For me, the recognition was profound.

That collective knowing—our inner wisdom—is always there. Through practices like meditation, yoga, walking in nature, or simply allowing ourselves to relax into our natural state, we grow more attuned to the “power to know.” Whether or not we recognize it, the intelligence that flows through everything is always present, guiding us, offering insights. There is never a final destination, only thousands of recognitions along the way to support us in understanding our vast minds and innate capacities.


I encourage you to take a moment this Equinox (and always) to connect with that inner knowing by taking this moment right here to simply relax. Breathe. Trust the natural intelligence within you.

Join me for:

  • In-person and online yoga offerings,
    (My new beginner yoga videos are being transferred to my website currently, and three are here on YouTube.)

  • Private yoga instruction

  • The healing practices of Reiki

  • 1:1 in-person or virtual mentorship/support for women, emphasizing: innate wisdom; clarity; intention; creativity; the capacity of the mind/heart/body to love more fully, and to feel more easeful day to day; and practical empowerment tools for each unique individual.

I also offer beautiful nature photography for purchase and inspiring poetry.

…If the above story resonates with you, please consider forwarding this post to someone close who may need a reminder to trust in their own inner knowing as well.

As part of my next steps, I’m also starting to share more personal reflections on Substack. Feel free to subscribe if it resonates with you—it's simply another space for connection when inspiration flows. Like this monthly newsletter, Substack will be a space for me to explore themes around yoga, meditation, and dreams, at a rhythm that feels right.

New Playlist from the ethers here.

With love and light, enjoy the Fall season,



Autumn leaf adrift…


without thought