Allow yourself to feel it just as it is.

Loss and sadness fill my core, there is heaviness. A family member passed away and it’s also an end to one family lineage I held dear. I was present with my Aunt, as she took her last breath. What an honor. I hold her close, and others I have lost too, holding them all in the ever-present heart essence of timeless and pervasive love itself. I do feel not alone, I feel full.

I am grateful for this life—to know that every moment is an opportunity to love and be loved, to share, care and serve the best we can, and to show up. It’s in our demonstration, not in our words. My heart aches—the more I live, the more I don’t know—total humility. I sink into the heart and trust. Trust in knowing it’s okay, I’m okay, and all is well. I think of others right now who feel grief or depression and know that I’m not alone, there is compassion.

I took a spacious 3-day drive to get back from the memorial services in Wyoming. This picture is at Lake Tahoe from my drive home. Yes, I sprained my ankle while away. Regardless of all of the goings on about my own concerns, there is a fullness and love of everyone and everything, soothing energy, optimism, and knowing I get to allow myself to be just as I am, to feel what I feel and that in this life, there is all of it simultaneously… joy, love, grief, sadness, optimism, anger, depression, care, intent, desire, worry, concern, anxiety, fun, excitement, etc. ….but all the while and regardless, for me, reverence reigns. Reverence to the felt sense and presence of love itself.


Effortless Singular Nature