Dear Cherished Friends, this is a copy of my Oct. Newsletter for the blog this time:

I hope this message finds you well and surrounded by the warmth of many blessings. Today, I wish to open my heart to you and share a deeply personal journey—a voyage that has taken me from the majestic landscapes of Montana to the sunlit/foggy shores of California and back to the comforting allure of Montana. This narrative has been long overdue, as finding both the time and words to express it fully has been a challenge.

Firstly, some gifts for you:

Exclusive unlisted viewing: “How to begin yoga:” New video posted!

Spotify: This playlist includes some of the recent lucid dream songs that have randomly streamed into my mind. I view these as a gift of support to continue to awaken within.

Shop: I’m building a gallery of my photography for sale. I’ll add more and more choices. Order high-quality prints or framed images. In honor of this newsletter, 2 limited-edition images start my gallery: #1, my favorite scene from CA, Point Reyes National Seashore, and #2: my favorite scene from the back side of West Glacier National Park, near Polebridge, Montana. 

Poetry blog: Each Sunday I post poetry on my experience of Grace to my website.

Yoga: Currently, I’m teaching in person in MT. Is there Zoom interest? Let me know, please, respond to this email.

Bonus gift below—once you read the story :)

The Story:

In the midst of the uncertainties that the COVID-19 pandemic brought upon the world, an unexpected invitation arose in December 2020, asking me if I wanted to relocate to the coastal shores of Northern California. It was an opportunity to be closer to my meditation community and Teacher of our Dzogchen Lineage, Ziji Rinpoche—a dream I had wanted to pursue for years and frequently shared with my children, dear friends, and family.

I began to take steps in order to embark on this new adventure. There was no fear, only a profound and unwavering knowing that I would honor this personal calling. I gathered my life into the confines of my trusty Subaru and embarked on a transformative journey down the iconic Highway One, heading towards California.

Over the course of 2.5 years spent in California, I found myself in a sanctuary of profound depth and meaning. Living by the rhythmic cadence of the ocean waves, I was welcomed by my community and touched by the wisdom of Ziji Rinpoche in intimate gatherings. These experiences gifted me insights into curiosity, spontaneous presence, and the art of beneficial responsiveness. I learned about workability, the beauty of being fully available and present for everyone, the gift of outshining anxiety and aggression, the profound connection of mind to mind, and the empowering nature of asking meaningful questions. I discovered the joy in supporting others in their unique talents and gifts, the importance of nurturing beauty, savoring delicious food, and taking good care of oneself. I also came to terms with the acceptance that my consistent messiness was perfectly okay.

From pelicans to seals, whales and dolphins, raccoons and coyotes, the abundance of wildlife and the ever-changing magic of the ocean and its array of colors were gifts in themselves, reminding me of the timeless wisdom and preciousness inherent in all of life’s dynamic and intelligent energy. 

The Bay Area served me completely, and I fell in love with its people, its vibrancy, and the sanctuary of community along the ocean. 

During my time there, I also had the privilege of advancing my studies in yoga in Berkeley, where I formed lasting connections with a wonderful network of friends and received further education from esteemed senior yoga teachers in the Bay Area. Teaching yoga in the vibrant heart of San Francisco, the bustling hub of Berkeley, and the serene shores of Stinson Beach, as well as serving the local community center, were all tremendous opportunities and honors.

Leaving Montana initially had been emotionally challenging due to the relationships that held me there along with an innate connection to the land itself. However, the Short Moments practice, which I have been a part of for two decades, provided me with the strength and courage to navigate these transitions. Taking each day one moment at a time, allowing things to be as they are, and listening to the wisdom of my inner knowing were my guiding principles.

In the past six months, I found myself at a juncture where another transition was calling me. Montana was pulling at my heart, and I felt a deep readiness to return home and share the gifts I've been fortunate to receive.

So, here I am, full circle and back in Montana. My dedication to meditation and yoga remains unwavering, offering endless benefits that have graced my own life with freedom, joy, lightness, and warmth. My wish is to extend these treasures to all, supporting others in rediscovering their natural state of being and more.

In this spirit, I am currently developing a specific mentorship program and an online digital book offering on "How to Begin Yoga." You can explore these introductory videos here.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you, step by step. Your presence in my life is a gift, and I would like to offer support in any way I can—whether that is with yoga, meditation, perhaps simple enjoyment of reading my blogs, newsletters, and poetry, or perhaps you would like some personal support in clarity of mind.

Lastly, I'd like to share with you my morning meditation and yoga practice—a practice that grounds me and connects me to the core of my being each day: 
(the bonus :)

Morning Meditation:

I use the app “Insight Timer” and set aside 20 minutes, accompanied by Tibetan bells at the 15 and 20-minute marks.

I begin by drawing warmth into my heart with each inhalation and exhalation through my nose, allowing my breath to find its natural rhythm.

I acknowledge and express gratitude for my parents and for all those who have supported and influenced my journey, seen and unseen.

With an open heart, I extend warmth, prayers, and positive intentions to all who need support, love, and care around the world.

I pose my questions and concerns to the vast intelligence of the universe, seeking guidance and clarity.

I conclude my practice by expressing deep gratitude for the innate companionship that resides within us all, providing warmth and grace.

Morning Yoga:

I devote at least 10-15 minutes to a gentle yoga practice, flowing through a few sun salutations and allowing my body to guide me into any spontaneous poses that beckon in the moment. The practice ends with a resting in Savasana, taking a few moments of deep relaxation.

I hope this message resonates with your hearts and enriches your day. Please feel free to reach out with any suggestions or inquiries—I value our connection and look forward to hearing from you. 

Until next time,

With the warmest love and gratitude,


P.S.: Here are the quick links again to the gifts: SpotifyYouTubePoetry, Photography for sale


Quiet Wisdom


I sought solace in a sleeping pill…