Make it stand out.

“Yoga became not only a physical practice
but a practice of kindness and compassion
to myself and others. 

On a physical level, I experience more flexibility, stability, strength, and lightness through practicing yoga.
The changes on the physical level are very obvious. I also find it easier to connect to my body and be with whatever is present at the moment.

…In our personal contact, dear Cheyenne I especially benefitted from your easeful nature, always reminding me that everything is perfect as it is, no matter what I might think about my yoga practice. You also always encouraged me to find out for myself, what feels right for me. You empowered me to trust in my own ability to know. It was also good to be reminded to be gentle with myself as I tend to strive for progress and perfection.”

— Emilija

“To have you be there and support me, especially in the beginning, was priceless. I know that I would have never come that far or even started for that matter, without you. Your personal and gentle approach, your availability,
and your compassionate guidance did the magic and I am forever grateful for that.

Especially being sick with MS, I feel my quality of life has dramatically
increased and with that my openness and my gratitude.”

— Anke