Cheyenne Rivers Cheyenne Rivers

It all begins with an idea.

Within your energy, I dissolve like mist,

In your truths, gracefully unveiled, I exist.

A completeness so pure, it radiates true,

In pleasure and ecstasy, I'm held by you.

A presence of eloquence, profoundly aware,

Purposeful intelligence, beyond compare.

You pour forth, encompassing all that is,

Guiding, pervading, no boundaries to miss.

Unveiling a realm you’ve shown me before,

A space of empty fullness,

I deeply explore.

In your constancy, I find reprieve,

Securely held, your essence I receive.

Cool as mountain air, your breath,

—it glides,

Climbing to the zenith, alive and wide.

My being gasps, settling in your embrace,

Liberated from the mind's intricate chase.

A truth so unadorned, no illusions to be,

Empty yet full, boundless love, pure and free.

Simplicity reigns, as we converge in this place,

Where bliss meets us, and time finds no trace.

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