…there appears a serene image of a polar bear

Dear Friends,

As I lay in my bed, surrounded by the warmth of a pseudo fireplace, a cozy sweater, and a full belly, I find myself reflecting on the world's uncertainties and deep concerns that flood my newsfeed. I feel fortunate and grateful for my own circumstance while simultaneously feeling not so great for my own comfort as others suffer. As I scroll on my phone, there appears a serene image of a polar bear, a deep blue ocean, and moonlit water—a reminder of the beauty that coexists with challenges.

In this December newsletter, I invite you to find joy in the moment. There's relief in acknowledging that today is the only day that truly exists, allowing us to relax a bit amid the chaos.

Gifts for you:

A Spotify Playlist: Dance a little: Joy is innate

• Poem: JOY

New in my Shop:

Daily Planner: There is only this day—relax.


• A personal share on hope and optimism below (3 min. read below)

On Hope and Optimism:

Recently, I came across an insightful prompt: "Why did you begin on the path of yoga and meditation?" I invite you to reflect on your original motivator for your chosen practice or path—whether it's yoga, enjoying nature, reading, or any activity that nourishes your soul.

For me, my initial motivation stemmed from feeling lost in the challenges of parenting many years ago. I wasn't satisfied with how I was behaving, and my commitment was to respond in a more beneficial manner. This marked the beginning of an ongoing journey to truly understand myself. I'd love to hear your story if you feel like sharing.

These days, I feel the weight of information overload and a deep sense of compassion for humanity and our planet. It's a universal desire to know love, connection, and equality.

I hold a deep conviction of hope and optimism. This optimistic force not only brings a smile to my face but also kindles warmth in my heart, making me feel alive with the inherent goodness and purity that resides within each of us, instinctively and fundamentally. When I was a new mom, I sensed this intrinsic knowledge, prompting me to step onto a path dedicated to unraveling more about life, the complexities of the mind, and our interconnected existence within the universe.

As we navigate these complex times, take a moment to reflect on your path, celebrate your progress, and acknowledge what is going well.

To help you focus on gratitude and intent, I've created this downloadable PDF daily planner, free for this email group. You'll find illustrated reminders throughout the day to pause, unwind, and embrace the present moment.

This holiday season, I offer you a poem of warmth and joy:


Joy is inherent, not crafted but found within.

It effortlessly emerges with lightness, ease, and a warm heart, woven into our very being.

No need to seek it outside; joy is a natural aspect of our existence, reflecting our true self, nestled in our core.

Connect with this joy by resting, listening, and breathing deeply—repeat. Navigate life with a light step, embracing a gentle pace, and showing kindness to yourself and others.

Acknowledge joy, ever-present and radiant. No need to pursue; it just exists as an integral part of you,

—bringing smiles.

Recognize joy as an essence familiar as your being, freely giving love, a presence so true. It's a constant companion, embodying pure pleasure, the essence of enjoyment, right here, always in view.

In the embrace of joy, feel the invitation to "enjoy" and be "in joy," right here and now.

Transcending the mind, residing in the expansiveness of the body—both immediate and vast, surrounding you,

for this we bow.


If you happen to be in Missoula, catch me teaching yoga at this local studio.

Your feedback and inquiries are always welcome.
offerings to come.

Wishing you a holiday season filled with warmth, love, and moments of connection with friends and family.

With warmest love,



Quiet Wisdom